In this article we are going to be looking at a idle issue where the otter will go up and down. if you’re at a stoplight or a stop sign, this is an intermittent problem. so It doesn’t do it all the time, so I thought what we can start off we would maybe look at some data of Maxisys Elite here.
Now I’ve already looked at this vehicle in the past for an AC problem, I’ve already taken care of that. So it turns out that was only a is see nothing out of the ordinary. Let’s go out of this and let’s see what we can do.
Maybe we can control that outer layer and see what kind of tests we got in here bi-directional control okay so we got I don’t air control one. I don’t have control to that if you remember this one was given us a percentage. I mean the amperage and this one over here was given us the percentage. well. let’s get both of them all right let’s go back. Because I want to get the other one too.
So I want that one that’s a guess that if multiplied is not well. we do want some data. Let me do this I’m going to go back. I think what I want to do instead of looking at the amperage. Let’s look at the percentage. Now let’s get the desired. I’m looking for the RPM now. He’s at rpm to see what that’d give us okay. So we have our desired rpm here this is what the engine is doing let’s crank it up.
I don’t know if this is the software doing that, but you can see that this here is staying the same if we look up here, It looks like this going up. So right up here, you can see us 55 45 so he’s trying to climb up a little bit even though this is staying at the same here. I mean I can’t see anything out of the Autel Scan Tool here, I think what I’m going to do is we’re going to take a look closer look at this final air control ground even though we can’t see anything like it just jumps out at us .
I just want to kind of show the skin tooled a little bit look at a little it of data. let’s see what this Car Diagnostic Tool will had to offer, Like I said it’s all new to me. Also it looks like it yep anyway just watching the RPM on this thing. So I think what we do is we’re going to wrap this one up and we going to take and let me just get out of there and yes we will. Then we’ll go back to on the screen.
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